After posting about last weeks' Fashion Fail Friday (#fff) winner, Kara Willis, we definitely found a few of you realizing that we were serious about giving away $25 gift cards to the girl with the best photo. We even told you that we would give away a 15% off discount to those who entered and ended up on the blog, but didn't win. However, this week we only received 1 entry...which made it easy for us to choose a winner. Or winners I should say. 

We have 2 winners this week, because they are in the same photo! Ladies and gentlemen, please meet Brienne Barnes and her sister, Erin Love. Brienne sent us this photo, and we hope that Erin knew about it! When we first say this photo, we chuckled at the throwback to decades ago....then we laughed, but for a different reason. We laughed because the jean shirt that Brienne is wearing is now "back in style" (we use the term "style" very loosely) and can be found at your local Urban Outfitters, no collar and all. She is now a beautiful wife and mother to a couple very cute kids, so we hope that this $25 gift card is used well! (Get a cute date night outfit!) 

As for Erin, she is a little less style-savvy in what looks to us like gym clothes. The super-bang hairstyle (I remember those days well) is also not uber-stylish, but back then, everyone had it! She has grown into not only a stylish woman today, but a stunning one at that! She will receive a $25 gift card to spend on herself as well, and she doesn't have to share it with her sister! 

Thanks for sending us this photo ladies and for letting us take a quick glimpse into your past, and congrats on the win! Use your money wisely and know that there are tons of cute clothes and accessories just waiting to join your respective closets! 

Remember that we are doing this giveaway every week, and all you have to do to enter to win is send us your pic at You can send your photo anytime until thursday at 9pm to be entered, and if you don't win the $25, you can still win 15% off your next purchase! It's really that easy! 

Don't be shy! And thanks for the #FFF


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