Braveheart Study

$ 20.00

Join us as we go through the Braveheart study! 

Braveheart began with a commission from God to Peter Louis on a seemingly ordinary day in 2010: run with the gospel. And so Peter began to run.

Peter’s own story is like many others: I feel far from God. I feel stuck. I am ashamed. I am unsure of how God feels about me. I am scared.

Here’s what God revealed to Peter: the root problem with all of these thoughts isn’t Him. It’s ourfalse view and beliefs of Him. God began to replace each of the false views with the truth.

Suddenly, where there was bondage, Peter experienced freedom. Where there once was distance, intimacy grew. Where there once was shame and insecurity, confidence and maturity took root. Where before there was hiding, enjoying the presence of God became Peter’s new mode of operating.

Peter’s story is Braveheart’s story: helping people look up and see the well-lit path of the Lord. God’s truth changes lives, connects us to others and develops a faith and maturity that results in love of God and love of others. Run with us! 

Select "Pick Up at Checkout," and your manual will be ready for you at your first meeting. The first meeting is all about getting to know your leader and fellow group members, so there’s no need to have read anything beforehand.

Leader: Jenny Sebring

When: Thursday, February 13th @ 11:00am (13 week study)  

Where: heylee b. - 502 W Main St. Franklin, TN 37064

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