It's everyone's favorite day!! It's Fashion Fail Friday! 

Last week, we encouraged you to upload and email your best fashion fail photos to us so we could laugh right along with you! Your prize? A $25 gift card to our store! We only had a few entries, which is good for those who entered, so picking a winner was simple. 

Ladies and gentlemen, meet our first #FFF winner, Kara Willis! She set aside her fear and embraced the fail and we applaud her for it! She described this as her "gangsta days". We know the pic is a bit grainy (thanks non-digital photos), but she is rocking a serious 'do with that bandana! If you were to check out Kara's Instagram feed today, you will see that she's well out of those "gangsta days" and is a serious fashionista! She always looks great and we love that she is able to look back and laugh! (The pic on the right is Kara today...totally gorgeous, right?!)

Another notable photo (and 15% off winner) came from Kelly. We know that she's just a kid in this photo, but her epic use of Princess Jasmine costume jewelry, the splatter paint tank & shorts combo, and that awesome fanny pack are just too much. Thank you have given us many reasons to look back and laugh. Needless to say, Kelly grew out of this phase (but kept the fanny pack) and into the beautiful girl in the photo on the left! 

Thanks for checking out our Fashion Fail Friday winner pics and be sure to send us your fashion fail photos so you can be entered to win! I mean really...who doesn't want $25 in free clothes & accessories!?! 

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